By whatnow on Friday, 03 September 2010
Category: General

minor progress

just a quick one.

not all that much has happened really. very little progress on the shed. i did get al little done for my distribrutors. last week i went to one of the local auto electricions to try and find some of the brown sheet stuff that all of the insulating bits in the cast iron dist's.

i took a bit of a proken plate that the dist advance weights slide on as a sample.

he pulled out some thin white sheet he called "insulating paper". i ended up getting about 10 by 50cm of the stuff.

last night i got bored and dug out my modelmaking kit + a good points plate i had loose.

by the time i went to sleep i had made up 3 new plates. to be honest i'm not all that happy with the quality of my workmanship. in the late 90's i worked making architectural models for over 2 years so i used to be very practiced (and rather good) at cutting shapes out of bits of plastic.

it was rather scary how rusty i was with a scalpel. i used to work with a scalpel between say 5 and 8 hours a day, last night it was a struggle to get a nice inside curve. by the 3rd one it was getting there but still not as good as i would have hoped.

they are all functionally acceptable but they aren't perfect and well i like perfect. in a way i can accept it as you can't see it, it is in the bottom of the distribrutor and it is completely the wrong materiel anyway. if i had found some of the proper stuff i would want it to be 100% perfect. the quest for perfection is a strange thing, i don't know why or were it comes from but it is there in me.

i'm not sure exactly how many i will need for my own use but i will make a few more just in case. i do need to msg one of the distribrutor rebuilders on the samba to see if they know anything about how this materiel wares in the long term.

 if i get get the ok on materiel i might make a few extra to flog off. no real profit in it but it could be useful for someone instead of parting out another dist. having said that you can get them from pelican parts in the US but still.


as a aside this afternoon we had 11 children in the house with 8 being 5 or under. it wasn't a birthday or anything just some people dropping in for a cuppa. it was intense.

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