Joe Blow Superchargers. Forced induction specialists for air-cooled Volkswagens. Get Blown.

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  • Picked up some water jet cutting this week, a new batch of tensioner arms - just need to set aside some time to machine them and surface finish them. Spent most of the weekend welding up parts for new orders, also invested some time in making up a new tool for squaring the manifold ends. I have been meaning to make it for a while now but as it involved a fair time investment I've been putting it off. It probably took me a day all-up but now the manifolds are a lot quicker to make and a lot...
    Picked up some water jet cutting this week, a new batch of tensioner arms - just need to set aside some time to machine them and surface finish them. Spent most of the weekend welding up parts for new orders, also invested some time in making up a new tool for squaring the manifold ends. I have been meaning to make it for a while now but as it involved a fair time investment I've been putting it off. It probably took me a day all-up but now the manifolds are a lot quicker to make and a lot more consistent finish as well. Unfortunately there's no photos as that's all classified secret-squirrel stuff. #workingsmarter
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